Tuesday, October 18, 2011

With A Little Creativity...

The latest innovation of Choco Cubes has been unveiled! Introducing the brand new member in The Choco Cubes family. The Choco Love Bites.

There is no significant change about the recipe. It still made up of usual Choco Cubes ingredients. The thing that changed are its shape. Love-hearted shape is attractive, appealing and easier to made than cubed one. 

The other thing that changed is the price. The price is 50 cents each. That's a major move. I faced difficulties selling box of stuff that people never heard of for RM8. Now, two pieces of Choco Love Bites are only RM1! What a price...  

When I bought the love mould in the mall, I also bought a highlighter (in a single receipt). People gazed to me and wonder, what is the relevance between kitchen mould and highlighter...

Problems create solutions. Solutions made improvements.
You wish a thing, you will get another...